Price Match Guarantee

Price-Match Guarantee Policy

At Nurture Mobility, we are committed to ensuring that our customers receive the best value for their money. That's why we offer a Price-Match Guarantee, so you can shop with confidence, knowing you're getting the most competitive prices available.

How it works:

If you find an identical product offered by a competitor at a lower price, simply contact us through our online chat prior to your purchase, provide us with the necessary details, and we'll match that price.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. The product must be the same brand, model, color, and version.
2. The competing offer must be from a legitimate and authorized retailer.
3. The lower-priced item must be currently in stock and available for immediate purchase.
4. Price matching is applicable to the product price only and does not include taxes, shipping, or other fees.

How to request a Price Match:

1. Contact our customer service team through our online chat prior to your purchase.
2. Provide the URL or a valid and current advertisement clearly displaying the competitor's lower price.
3. Our team will verify the information and, if eligible, adjust your purchase price accordingly.


1. Clearance, closeout, liquidation sales, or similar events.
2. Bundle offers, rebates, coupons, freebies, or promotions.
3. Limited quantity or limited-time offers.
4. Open-box, refurbished, or pre-owned items.

Our Commitment:

We strive to offer the best prices possible, and our Price-Match Guarantee is a testament to that commitment. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your trust in choosing Nurture Mobility.